Two Minute Tutorial

Download and Install

Download the jar file and include it in your classpath.

Write simple Component

public class Component {

	private String value;
	public Component(String value) {
	    this.value = value;
	public String getValue() {
	    return value;
	public void setValue(String value) {
	    this.value = value;

Write Adhesive class that want's to use the Component

import ch.mimo.swingglue.Adhesive;

public class ComponentAdhesive implements Adhesive {

	// attribute ---------------------------------------------------------------

	 * the attribute that will be populated by IoC
    private Component component;
    // adhesive methods --------------------------------------------------------
    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see ch.mimo.swingglue.Adhesive#setup()
    public void setup() throws Exception {
        System.out.println(this.getClass().getName() + ".setup()");
    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see ch.mimo.swingglue.Adhesive#adhere()
    public void adhere() throws Exception {
        System.out.println(this.getClass().getName() + ".adhere() component value: " + component.getValue());

    // getters and setters -----------------------------------------------------
     * @return Returns the component.
    public Component getComponent() {
        return component;
     * @param component The component to set.
    public void setComponent(Component component) {
        System.out.println(this.getClass().getName() + ".setComponent() invoked with value: " + component.getValue());
        this.component = component;

Assemble Component and Adhesive Implementation

String value = "The value that is stored in Component";

Component component = new Component(value);
GlueFactory factory = GlueFactory.getFactory();
Glue glue = factory.getGlue();

ComponentAdhesive adhesive = (ComponentAdhesive)glue.applyAdhesive(ComponentAdhesive.class);
String result = adhesive.getComponent().getValue();

// result == value

How does it work?

The Component Instance has to be registered as an element in the Glue instance. Inside the Glue sit's a weak hash map that holds that instance reference in relation to it's name.

The above code registers the instance by the name of "component".

The Adhesive class that implements the interface Adhesive is a bean style class. It can be consideret to be a POJO. If the Adhesive class, like in our example needs to have a dependency to the Component that we have registered in the Glue it has to do two things:

  • add a private (or public for that matter) member that has the same name as we registered the instance under in the Glue.
  • add a valid setter for that member variable
Now we istanciate the Adhesive class
ComponentAdhesive adhesive = (ComponentAdhesive)glue.applyAdhesive(ComponentAdhesive.class);
The Glue, using reflection, will search for members that have a matching name and type to one of the registered instances. If the member also has a valid setter it will call that setter with the registered instance.

That's all Folks...